Online Homeopathic Treatment
Book AppointmentLumps within breast tissue are usually found unexpectedly or during self-exam. Most lumps are not cancer but represent changes within the breast tissue. These changes are influenced by normal hormonal variations.Breast pain is a common breast problem mostly in younger women who are still having their periods, and happens less often in older women. Breast pain is the only symptom of breast cancer. Most breast cancers involve a mass or lump.
There are three kinds of benign breast lumps:
1. Cysts
2. Fibroadenomas
3. Pseudolumps
Cyclic mastalgia: About two-thirds of women with breast pain have a problem called cyclic mastalgia. This pain typically is worse before your menstrual cycle and usually is relieved at the time your period begins. The pain may also happen in varying degrees throughout the cycle. Because of its relationship to the menstrual cycle, it is believed to be caused by hormonal changes. This type of breast pain usually happens in younger women, although the condition has been reported in postmenopausal women who take hormone replacement therapy.Noncyclic mastalgia: Breast pain that is not associated with the menstrual cycle is called noncyclic mastalgia. It occurs less often than the cyclic form. It typically occurs in women older than 40 years and is not related to the menstrual cycle. It is sometimes linked to a fibrous mass (called a fibroadenoma) or a cyst.
Noncyclic mastalgia: Breast pain or tenderness may also occur in a teenage boy. The condition, calledgynecomastia, is enlargement of the male breast which may occur as a normal part of development, often during puberty.Breast infection: The breast is made up of hundreds of tiny milk-producing sacs called alveoli. They are arranged in grapelike clusters throughout the breast. Once breastfeeding begins, milk is produced in the alveoli and secreted into tube-shaped milk ducts that empty through the nipple. Mastitis is an infection of the tissue of the breast that occurs most frequently during the time of breastfeeding. This infection causes pain, swelling, redness, and increased temperature of the breast. It can occur when bacteria, often from the baby’s mouth, enter a milk duct through a crack in the nipple. This causes an infection and painful inflammation of the breast.
Homoeopathy is best option in this type of patient.There are many skilled and experienced Homoeopathic doctors led by “DR. SHYAMAL KISHORE KUSHWAHA” A Homoeopathic consultant With a high success rate in curing this type of patients through their effective Homoeopathic treatment,D.E.T.(drug energy transmission)and rational healing. The services provided by KISHORE CARE are of high quality, cost effective and largely efficient. There is no any side effect of this remedy